Injector in La Junta, CO 81050 | Cassie Elder, RN

Cassie Elder, RN


Cassie Elder, RN BSN is an experienced registered nurse with nearly 10 years in the field. Married to Brian for almost 30 years, Cassie is a family-oriented professional with two grown children, Rileigh and Daylon. Her daughter, Rileigh, is married with two adorable grandchildren, while her son, Daylon, works in Pueblo. Cassie has a passion for riding horses and outdoor activities with her husband such checking cattle, building fences and anything else ranch wives need to do to support their husbands. With a diverse background in nursing, Cassie is dedicated to community service and aims to provide local opportunities that do not require long commutes. She is currently pursuing her education to become a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Always eager to learn, Cassie is committed to staying on the cutting edge of nursing innovations.

MD in La Junta, CO 81050 | Cassie Elder, RN

Scott Ross, MD

Medical Director

Dr. Scott Ross has dedicated over 30 years to treating his patients with the same care and respect he would for his own family. He brings comprehensive expertise in aesthetics, including laser procedures for birthmark, tattoo, and age spot removal; hair removal; wrinkle reduction; skin tightening; fat reduction through liposuction; hair transplants; Botox and fillers; vein sclerotherapy; Kybella for fat dissolution; and PRP for hair growth. Dr. Ross has served as Medical Director at multiple clinics in Minneapolis and Phoenix, showcasing his leadership and dedication to patient care.